Friday, March 6, 2009

FFQF: George Washington on the "Spirit of Party"

This blog post has moved! It's now on my own website, here:

FFQF: George Washington on the "Spirit of Party"


Anonymous said...

Wow, Herky. What an incredibly timely post! This ties in with my thoughts on people being created to be followers: i.e., sheep.

If we don't follow God as we're created to do, then we're going to follow someone else.

I'm snagging this one for my book, my friend. :)

J. P. Schilling said...

Outstanding as usual!

Bbrraavvoooo! Bbrraavvoo! Bravo!

I love the way you manage to align Scripture with the Founder's.


PS I love the bit on 'theme.'

Hercules Mulligan said...

Thank you all for reading and leaving your comments.

Jean, that's neat! And I'm glad I could give you information for your book. I'm more than happy to contribute. :)

JP -- Thank you for your kind words. As for managing to align Scripture with the words of the Founders, for the most part, it isn't that difficult actually, but it does take a lot of study and a reasonable amount of reflection.

I'm glad you like the "bit" on the theme. :)

Cato said...

Good one!! Why oh why did our nation ever choose to go astray?

I hope to have my Friday's post up today... by midnight, I hope. :)

historylover2 said...

Hi Herc!
First, I'd like to thank you for creating such an informative and awesome blog. I stumbled upon it online a little while ago, and as soon as I read the "Funny Founders" sections, I was hooked. Keep up the good work!

Also, great choice of topic this week! Washington definitely was the greatest founder, even though they were all pretty amazing. His advice against political parties was very wise. American politics would be so different if we did not divide into parties. He is also right, though, about how it probably was "unavoidable." It's hard to imagine things any other way.

Nice call on where society's trust lies today, too. People are not perfect and cannot be trusted completely with the good of others, especially people in politics. Maybe James Madison said it best: "The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted."

Again, great post! :)

Hercules Mulligan said...

Hello Cato and Historylover2. Thanks for reading and leaving your comments.

Cato -- I don't think I can adequately answer your first question (not that you were directing it at me, I know); I am equally puzzled. I guess the reason why liberty has been such a rare and short-lived thing in the world is because man in his fallen state is not capable of it.

Historylover2 -- Welcome to my blog! I'm so glad that you enjoy reading it. And I am honored by your kind words. Thank you.

Thank you also for your thoughtful comment. I love the quote by Madison -- it's so true.

Happy FFQF!